Actress Neha Dhupia took on a new role of a mother when she welcomed daughter Mehr with her husband Angad Bedi. The new mom, who is enjoying every moment of this new phase in her life, was sadly trolled for her weight. The actress was dissed for her alleged weight gain, something she was not going to take lying down. Hitting back at haters, Neha said that fat shaming does not bother her as she wants to be fit and energetic for her new-born daughter, but she does want such trolling to stop for everyone.On Saturday, the actress shut down haters with a note that read, "I don't owe anyone an explanation because fat shaming like this doesn't bother me one bit. "But I do want to address this as a larger problem because fat shaming needs to stop for everyone, not just celebrities."As a new mom I want to be fit, healthy and energetic for my daughter," she added. Neha said that she works out every day and sometimes twice a day because for her "fitness is a prior...